first we have larkin drawing in his nature notebook (by the way, homeschooling at the beach was lots of fun. it is not every day that we get to identify shells)...
every time we walked down to the beach, lucy made sure to point out that we could not step on the "splinter"...
my dad eating at his favorite restaurant (i wonder if he wore that shirt just so he could match the decor)...
lucy enjoying the beach (please don't notice that she still has oreo crumbs on her face in the first picture)...

larkin enjoying the waves...

one of the saddest parts of the trip was that my favorite restaurant, the spanish bakery, was closed due to the tropical storm. i guess i will have to wait another year for the best empanada...

Hi Amy! Even though you had to come home early and you didn't get your empandas, it looks like it was a great vacation!
lucy's suit is adorable (i think mom & daughter match now right? brown & white and red & white dots. :)
i can't believe how big larkin & lucy have gotten since we saw them last!
happy to hear you had a nice vacation. i'm looking forward to some time on the beach this week as well.
glad the home schooling is going well
the pictures of the kids are darling, too cute for words :)
Oh that looks like a great trip to the beach!! The ocean looks so inviting!
Your little ones look so sweet. Looks like a nice holiday if a bit shorter!
Wow...what fun! Makes me wish we had any kind of access to a beach here in the muggy midwest! Your babes are dolls!
Oh, I'm sorry you had to come home early! Is that the place your dad eats lunch every day?
your kids are beautiful! Really great pics, the beach looked fun and satisfying.
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