half of our household is sick. i have yet to unpack my bag from vacation. i think i may be in denial. so there is not much new to report around here. lucy and i both started feeling bad late yesterday. i had plans of finishing up some projects last night (an editing project that is due tomorrow, a
quilt block to finish by the weekend and a
doll quilt to finish by next week). i have to feel better soon! so, what about the peanuts? as you know my parents live on a farm. they lease a large portion of it to local farmers. this summer they have a peanut farmer leasing. i grew up eating fresh boiled peanuts, and i must confess, there are few things as wonderful-yummy as a fresh boiled peanut. larkin and michael picked some while we were there and larkin learned how to pick them off the vine, wash them and get them ready to boil. he is such a great helper and so eager to learn new things!
look at that adorable face. feel better soon, friend!
Oh, you're making me hungry for boiled peanuts! I don't think I've ever seen peanuts right out the ground before.
Sorry you are not feeling well, hope you get to feeling better soon. The peanuts were good. Larkin helping with them was the reason they were so good.
Love to all, Aunt Deborah
I hope everyone is feeling better!!! Those peanuts look yummy!
Get better, it sounds like you have a lot to do!
I have never had a boiled peanut before! Sounds interesting!
The photo of your little guy is so cute!
I didn't know peanuts grew on a vine. Larkin's smarter than me. :) Get well soon!
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