This little girl needs your help. You see, when she was about eleven years old, she discovered something than would become an immediate obsession. And now, twenty something years later, she still clings to the same obssession. Do you know what it is? Do you need a hint? I posted about it here.
That's right. New Kids on the Block. The sad part of this story is that she has never met them and wants to desperately. The good news is she, rather I, am a finalist in a contest to win backstage passes to do just that. I just need your vote. Here is the nitty gritty...
Visit this link. Vote for me, abjohnston (it is the picture above). They will send you an email with a link you have to click in order to actually cast your vote. The email might go to junk mail, so you may have to look there for it.
Right now I am in the lead, but I want to secure my win. I know there are a lot of you who visit here and don't comment, but please just do this one thing for me. Even though you don't know me, you do believe in dreams, right?
Done! Good luck, you have a great lead!
Oh, the things we do for blog friends. Just voted. Good luck!
Good luck! i can hardly wait for you to get there.
just voted!
you were such a cutie by the way! :)
I voted for you!!!
I voted for ya! I have three e-mail addresses, so I'll try and use all three!
I've started a new blog just yesterday. I would love it if you stopped by!
Congratulations! Can you believe it! Good work. By the way that is one of my favorite photos of you.
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