A couple of weeks ago I found this fabric on clearance for $1.74 per yard. I immediately thought about how cute it would be as a pair of lounge pants for Lucy. The little border would be great at the hem. And I couldn't beat the price. I whipped the pants up yesterday afternoon...
(Our dog's head look particularly large in this shot. Funny.) These pants are all I had hoped they would be. Absolutely adorable.
I immediately thought of how cute this side would be as a skirt for Lucy. So, I just cut the fabric down the middle and used half for the pants and half for this adorable skirt. Seriously, I can't get enough of the skirt. I so wish I had one!
Of course the frilly glass slippers are optional. I am so happy with both of these. I can hardly believe that for $1.74 I was able to make Lucy a pair of pants and a skirt. She loves both of them. The skirt was so easy to make. It only took about 30 minutes yesterday afternoon. I am now looking through my fabric stash to see how many more skirts I can make for her.
Great fabric gone to a perfect use. What a steal!
oh,amy, these are great!!!
Perfect little model for an awesome skirt and pants! Good job!
I love great fabric bargains. Now days it seems like fabric is so expensive it is hard justifying sewing versus buying at Target! But it is so satisfying to make something original AND save money.
very cute fabric.. the little outfits turned out nicely
so cute! i see why you want a skirt for yourself...and i can't believe how big lucy is getting either. :(
They are absolutely adorable. I love both of them. What a great find.
The pants and skirt are so cute!!!
I just love the pants and the skirt. You got a great deal. The model wearing the outfits made them even cuter. Love to all.
awesome. She looks so cute.
glass slippers optional??!?!? Are you kidding me? Those are a requirement. hee hee. <3 them both. u r so talented :)
You ain't kidin'!! That fabric rocks!
found your blog through Old Red Barn and I have to say that this is the most adorable skirt ever. Just precious.
What a great find! I just bought some beautiful red fabric with a boarder,and I'm having a devil of a time finding a pattern for a skirt that doesn't mess up the boarder. Did you just do a simple casing on top of two panels?
Both the skirt and pants are too cute!!
way to be green!!
both the pants and skirt are beyond adorable! too bad we women cant get away with wearing such cutsie things.
and nice deal on the fabric
LOVE it! The pants and the skirt! That fabric is great - and I recently came *this* close to buying a dress for my oldest that had adorable little houses across the bottom...
That is the cutest fabric I have ever seen. How I wish I could find super cute (and cheap) fabric like that down here in the Caribbean. You would think, huh?
As always, you amaze me! They are gorgeous. And under two bucks???!
WHAT a deal! And you couldn't beat it for the cuteness you ended up with. I agree, perfect for shopping and of course, twirling. I would have never thought of using that for lounge pants, never.
Adorable and clever. Bravo!!
That fabric is so cute! It looks like vintage fabric, I don't see too many cute patterns like that in new fabric. Do you know the maker or pattern name? Nice job on the pants & skirt, I would love a skirt like that too!
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