so i found this yummy carrot cupcake recipe over at not quite june cleaver. this was the first time i had made carrot cake from fresh carrots. they were easy and quite tasty. thanks for posting it susan!
in other news, my friend janelle and i went over to an estate sale this weekend. quite a few bargains to be had there. i think these two items set me back about 60 cents.
i love the potholder. i have seen this type before and would love to try and make some, but i have no idea what this technique is called. anyone know?
Hi -- Visiting your blog by way of MaryJane's farmgirl connection. Love that potholder! The pattern is called 'Cathedral Window', I believe, and is not an easy one. So you have a great find there.
May I have a carrot cupcake, please??
have you ever had Cindy Stephen's carrot cake recipe? It's awesome! Ask her for it (or me)
katie is right, it's a Catherdral Window...never tried it myself!!
OMG, You like Cary Grant, how about Jimmy Stewart? I bought postage stamps with his picture today!!! hehe!!
Did you post the apple green and red kitchen on MaryJanes?? If it's yours I LOVE it! If not don't worry about me :-)
Hehe...yes it is yours! I had to go back and look for sure! My kitchen is a similar green, maybe a tad lighter and I was always afraid to put red with it. I thought it would look too Christmasy, but yours just looks gorgeous!!
It really isn't too hard to do the Cathedral Window quilt pattern once you've done the first one. Easier though if you have someone show you. But here are the directions:
What a couple of cute finds! I always like kitchen gadgets with painted handles.
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