so, my friend katie tagged me with eight things about my kitchen. so here it goes...
1. my kitchen is green with red accents. it kinda makes me feel like christmas all year. i even left one strand of pom pom garland in the window above the sink last year, and i don't plan on ever taking it down.
2. my favorite part of my kitchen is my red kitchen aid mixer. it is a baker's best friend.
3. my least favorite part of my kitchen is that an entire half of it does not have lighting in the ceiling. that side of the kitchen also has no furniture other than a small table for the kids. but that will change come december when this will arrive.
4. i love the smell of pumpkin pie coming from the oven. my kitchen sees a lot of those.
5. i love that i am supposed to wear an apron in the kitchen. although, i have been known to wear one all over the house. i just love how they make me feel like a vintage mom.
6. i love that larkin likes to help cook in the kitchen. i hope that lucy will one day, too.
7. i despise unloading the dishwasher. yet, i find great pleasure in loading it. michael says that i have been gifted with diswasher loading talent.
8. i love that i have kitchen "stuff" from both of my grandmothers. using those items just makes me feel warm.
ok, karin, you're tagged.
Clicked on your link from my blog and found yours :) I LOVE it! And I love that red polka dot bowl. Just marvelous! I'll be back :)
I too, have the dishwasher loading talent. So much so, that I have to redo it when Kevin loads stuff in.
What an appropriate name for the children's kitchen. have you seen the retro looking kid's kitchen's in the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue. One set is fire engine red and looks like it is from the 1950's.
i LOVE this kitchen! i bet lucy and larkin will both love playing with it. years ago when we came to stay with you guys during a hurricane, your kitchen inspired me, and now most of what i have in my kitchen is red (with some green here and there).
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