since i have done absolutely no crafting in a few weeks (sad, i know) i thought i would post this photo i took of my grandpa's handiwork. when i went home to visit a few weeks ago, i got to enjoy all the beautiful flowers that he had planted. it was amazing and he was so proud. here is a photo that my mom took of him the week before i went to visit.

i think he is so adorable. he is the sweetest man you could ever meet. our family means the world to him and i have been so blessed to have him as my grandpa. i have learned much about life and people and faith from him. and much of what i have learned has not been through him sitting me down and teaching me, but rather through watching and listening to him. watching how he interacts with people, and how they in return, hold him in such high esteem. and hearing him speak about his faith in God in all circumstances. i also love his fun habits, like how every time he opens a gift from someone, he responds with, "oh, it is just what i needed." one of my recent favorite nuggets was just a few weeks ago when i was on the phone with my mom, who was having breakfast with him after taking him to a doctor's appointment. while talking to him, he said, "ooh, i sure do wish you were here. i would buy you the biggest breakfast!" and he would...
It's amazing how the years can etch what kind of a person you are into your face. He definitely looks like he has been loving peopele and loving God for a long time. A lovely gentelman.
I think "I would buy you the biggest breakfast!" is possibly THE BEST paraphrase of "I love you" that I have EVER heard.
how sweet.he looks so very nice. cherish the moments as I know you do by the way you wrote abot him.I have the same type of amaryllis that I grow in a large pot under an arbor in my yard. they are lovely.
His photo makes me want to hug him! You can let him know that a gal in Southern California prayed for him today. And, when you see him, you can give him that hug from me...
Thanks for sharing,
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